K1 MAX bed question

My K1 MAX has been printing well but I do have a warped bed. I have shimmed it up so that the plate is fairly flat but I want a better solution. I have a 12" glass plate.

Question: can I mount that directly on the magnetic sheet or must it be removed. I know it would slow the bed heating some but I can live with that, I would rather not burn any bridges until I have too.

I had my gass bed sitting on the magnetic sheet but I found that it would stick and would be a bugger to remove. I was printing at 100-110 bed temps. I ended up removing the magnetic sheet and found that things were flatter. You could try setting the glass on top of the flex plate…

I figured I would have to remove the mag sheet but I hoped it could wait. Since you removed the mag bed and now use glass have you had any problems. I have an adjustment screw kit so that I can dial in the glass plate. Hope it works.

No problem with the glass… other than ripping out a section on the textured side while pulling off a nylon part. I just flipped over with the smooth side up.

I always had trouble with the pebbled texture and always used the smooth side with glue.

Just like a caveman.