I’m interested in hearing how this little experiment works for you.
What exactly does sealing between the block and heatsink do? Because the video says the difference is negligible.
The video is looking at the overall print quality - I’m concerned with the quality of the first few layers and their adhesion which isn’t discussed in the video.
I was really only using that to show you what I was asking for. Maybe I should have just taken a screen shot from it, I decided not to because there were some other interesting aspects of the video.
I must say that I was not impressed with the quality of the “good” Bency’s in the video.
Well if you’re concerned about the first layer, it adheres… good. But there’s not enough flow, but going back to the first post, only in the center of the bed. The brim lines also separated easily when I was removing it.
It was the one in the centre of the bed that caught my eye and made me think of this because it’s going to get the most cooling airflow.
There’s a significant dip in the center of the bed when doing the bed mesh in klipper. I don’t think it’s because of the air.
Possible a warped bed?
It is a possibility, but the Bltouch is supposed to help with that, and it is.
I ultimately reverted back to the sprite extruder, it prints very well after small tuning, and I will print a duct in ABS that uses the fans that are now sitting in a drawer, they’re not completely useless!