Well, Im quite a way into this project already but I thought i would share my progress on here for interest sake.
I am using a Ender 5 Plus with some added goodies to create this clock. So far i have most of the gear set done and today I just finished the Dial done with 2 colour changes using my G4 S300 trick. It was a fuss, but it worked. Here are some photos of whats up so far.
Time to print the weight shell. It will be another long print. This wall clock is driven by a weight. Fully mechanical. Weight driven clocks tend to be fairly accurate as the power put into them from the falling weight is always the same from the start of its run to the end. In opposition a spring driven clock tends to run fast and the start of a wind and slows down near the end as the spring power drops off.
Cool project. It’s looking good so far and I look forward to seeing it complete.
I’ve been wanting to print a clock at some point too and have been intrigued by the 3 axis tourbillon but even with purchasing the print files it would be a big enough undertaking to create.
Did you design this one or was it a project that you found?
Since this clock main power will be a weight, time to print the shell that will hold the weight.
The shell will be filled with about 9 lbs of BB’s or lead shot. On the top there is a pulley with a built in 623rs bearing for the cord from the clock.
You just fill the shell from the bottom and #6 screws hold the bottom plate on nicely.
To speed up or slow it down, the pendulum has an adjustment nut to make it shorter … meaning speed it up or longer… to slow it down. This is how you regulate the time…
I am using a light amount of silicone lube in spots for now. Even thou the gears look smooth, they need time to wear into one another. So, I ran it without the pallet, the part the goes tick tock so all the gears spun at an alarming rate to help the gears seat into one another. I did this for about an hour. Now I can hear the "Tick Tock is louder meaning more power is making its way thru the train. This will increase more as time moves on.
I printed up a black set of hands for testing. Dont much care for them so I will do up something fancy before I do a full video.
So still lots to do But im a happy camper at this point. This is prolly 150 hours, maybe more of just printing alone.
With the clock running well and keeping good time, its time to move on to the little things.
Printed up a set of fancy hands to replace my all black test hands. The black was so black you really couldnt read the clock for a distances. But when printed with the white Euro Silk and a fine black out line, they stand out really good.
Also printed up the winding key. Note it stores on a built in hook on the back of the clock frame so you dont lose it.
I will do up a video of this thing running a bit later.