Don’t know what lm doing wrong. I’ve created this is tinkered which when printing doesn’t print to proper dimensions. The height is supposed to be 21.50 mm and itonly prints to 12.70 mm. I add supports to it and then l can’t remove them. I’ve adjusted z offset to where it’s producing good first layer ( l ran some z offset test ). I leveled the bed. Can’t figure this out.
Here is the picture of what lm trying to print and this is what it supposed to look like.
I have a Ender 5 pro and it’s selected in prusaslicer. I had the lcd screen replaced with the ender 3 V2 screen and had jyers firmware installed and tested. I finally got bed leveled and z offset set. When l print this this is what happens. Don’t understand.
It looks like with the firmware you have loaded, it may be meant for a z motor using 1.8 degrees. Some versions of these printers use 0.9 degree motors and some 1.8 degrees, meaning that your z steps are essential half of what they should be. Do your z step calibrations and report back.