3DPC help! K1 max nozzle info

Is the K1 MAX unicorn nozzle the same as the K1C that is shown on the 3DPC website or is it different.

Which silicon sock goes with them on the Unicorn hotend.

Any idea what the life expectancy of these nozzles and socks is.

I can’t speak to that exact nozzle but I was swapping nozzles every 4-10 kg when I was running brass. I switched to E3D XNozzles on everything and have not worn one out. The oldest is 3 or 4 years I lost track. 100s of kgs for sure. Even if it is ½ as robust and twice the price a good hardened steel nozzle will out perform brass.

The only issue is you may need to heat soak it.

Socks get hard and dirty I go through one every 8 months give or take.

You might be better off with a CHG style high flow over an volcano. Just a thought