Why is my Ender 5 Plus 3D printer doing this?
I had this printer for awhile, I bought it new and it has done this from day 1. Not having the time to mess with it then, I put it in the attic. I’ve never printed anything. But now I need to figure it out or set it on fire.
So far I have messed with the belt tension on X and Y axis.
Eek that’s not a happy sound. To me it sounds like it is trying to move beyond the end stop. Is the correct printer selected in the slicer? Is the bed size right?
Yes, I’ve double-checked the bed size and made sure the correct printer was selected in the slicer.
I removed the belts for the Y axis totally took them out of the picture so it’s only the Y motor spinning the gear bar. It still makes that sound with nothing but the motor and the gear bar moving, so seems that it must be either the motor or the bar with it’s bearings on both ends.
Un plugging the motor and spinning the gear bar by hand does not produce the sound.