Hi, I have a Bambu Lab A1 Mini that has started giving me terrible prints ever since a large blob formed on the extruder. I was hoping someone here could give me advice on how to fix it.
Here are the current defects I’m observing:
Print Nozzle too close to bed
Over extrusion(?)
I’ve run the same print twice with wet then dry filament and had similar issues both times. I have run the built-in calibration since the issue began but it printed the same before as it does now. The calibration fixing nothing is leading me to believe my hot end might be skewed in some way, but I cant know for sure.
These are some videos capturing the issue:
https://youtu.be/l0SLtO-EaFw?si=uUg2U8Oa0gDCgwOV - Better filament, captures the real issue better
I suspect if I added some sort of command for the printer to move up a couple tenths of a millimeter before beginning the print it would just be fixed, since the extrusion looks nice and smooth to me. Let me know if you can help, thanks!