Bug in Cura 5..7.0

I was trying to use the “post processing/modify G code/pause at height” and every time I would make a parameter change the program would crash. So I tried to sending in a bug report and that didn’t go well, I couldn’t log onto there site. My ID/password didn’t work. I tried and then I quit so if anyone from Cura is here consider yourself told.

I received a reply from Unimaker. They said that it is a legacy product and they no longer support it.

5.7.0 a legacy product it only came out and is the current slicer.

Hmm that seems like a definitely cop out answer. Hopefully they fix this pronto or give you a better answer because that is not the correct answer. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to press them on that, not sure.

All it really would have taken was for them to say ‘thanks for reporting it, we will look into that and see if we can fix it’. Even if they did nothing about it that is a much better answer than that… Leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.

They did say that and added “this is the wrong place to report bugs” AKA: customer support. You have to go to a Github site, log in, which I don’t have a log on pass word for and decided to just forget the whole thing. When the going gets tough I quit.

Yeah no kidding, kind of amazing to me that they don’t have a proper private support channel.