Question for the group, as I’ve never done this myself: Can the firmware not be compiled using the Arduino IDE? I’m wondering why so many people seem hung-up on platformio?
For @Verynew25:
What are you printing that needs such high heat? As a SERIOUS suggestion, given that you’re new to this, I’d strongly recommend sticking to regular materials until you’ve become highly familiar with your printer and it’s quirks (they all have them) so that, when you come around to experimenting with new materials or add-ons, you can differentiate between your machine’s quirks and new problems introduced by experimentation. The secret, after familiarisation, is to make one change at a time, be it materials or parts, and test, test and re-test.
You see a lot of new users who jump in, throw in a bunch of mods, and go off trying wild-and-wooly things without knowing, fully, how their printer behaves normally. When things go not-according-to-plan, they can’t tell if the behaviour they’re seeing is; because they were expecting the wrong thing (because they, themselves, are inexperienced); because of an odd quirk their printer was manufactured with (because they didn’t take the time to get familiar with it); or because one (or some combination) of the 6 other variables they changed.
I’m just saying: you’ll save yourself a lot of headaches if you ease into things slowly.
So, that caution having been said, I should point out that I have never modified firmware for my printer, although I do write software for microcontrollers, including the ones the printers are built around, so if my anything I say differs from what others are saying, listen to them instead as they are probably speaking from actual experience.
Try using the arduino ide, available from
It’s not as fancy as PlatformIO, but it’s been my go-to compiler/serial terminal for years.
I BELIEVE (someone please correct me) that there is a .conf file that is editable as a text file and which defines the temperature limits that the thermal runaway triggers at. It would also define the temperature limits that can be set via the control panel.
Again, I’ve never done it myself for a printer, but it shouldn’t be that difficult. Just don’t go crazy changing stuff you may have to debug later. One thing at a time, then test, test and re-test.