Hey fellow CR-10 Smart users
I’m blaze, one of the people here with the CR-10 Smart. I’ve had my printer for around 8 months now and have modded my printer a bunch of times. I’ve tried many upgrades, fried many motherboards and breakout boards and lost countless hours of my time working on this so lmk if you guys want a detailed guide on how to mod your CR-10 smart to become a work horse.
Here’s a current photo of my printer:
HI @blaze Thank you so much for your information. Looks like you have a real work horse there now. You have touched on all the areas of the 10 that needed work. Nice job!
Thank you Jason! I still have a long way before this printer is what I need it for! Currently, it can print most materials which don’t need an enclosure and is able to print them decently fast at around 200mm/s on the infill and 120mm/s inner walls. The print quality is amazing/
impressive. I’m lucky if I push past 30 mm/s atm for print speed, but my CR10 smart pro is stock, and other than having to use glue stick on the PEI sheet, I’ve not done anything else as yet. Maybe a future winter’s weekend project.
Nice. I set one up on my daugther’s GeeTech I3 but never got it to properly handle it as the Z axis stop that it has to replace on that system. I’ll get back to it on a long winter’s night one day.
I decided to remove both the extra MCUs and just got a mosfet to run the heater and reverted back to the strain gauge. Still getting perfect first layers. I also got a Orbiter V1.5.
Thanks for the helpful ideas about upgrades to the Cr10 Smart. Would you be willing to share where you found the parts. I had a recent clog that pretty much destroyed my hotend and thought it would be a good time to upgrade some components… maybe even the extruder assembly. I’ve read somewhere that the microswiss hotend is a decent upgrade… what do you think?
Thanks for any help you can provide!
Hey Tfreeze, no worries! I found most of my parts on aliexpress and spool3d. 3d printing canada doesn’t have that many options for our printers. I wouldn’t go the route of a microswiss hotend as it is pretty overexpensive for what it is and our printers don’t support it. I would get a new heatbreak and hotblock off aliexpress and get a orbiter v2 or a sherpa mini. Both are excellent options. If you come across parts for a Cr-6 SE or cr-6 max, they fit ours too! Let me know if you have any questions
Hi Blaze! Thank you for responding to my questions. I will definitely look into those extruders. Do you recommend a specific Heatbreak and Block that would be better than the stock… Actually having trouble finding the oem version… or really anything other than the microswiss that says it will work for Cr-10 Smart. Thank you again!