CR-20 Pro "Stopped" error

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Hey Matt,

Hope you’re having a grand day and you’re all prepared for the solar eclipse we may not see, sigh.

I wondered if you could shed some light on this piece I’m trying to print. I’ve included an image of the part and I could send the .stl file if I could figure out how to attach it.

I’ve tried printing it twice with no success. I stopped after about twenty minutes both times. When I try printing it, one area on the bottom is warping (curving upwards, first two pictures) and the cross-shaped post is mainly strings and bends upward.

Any thoughts? Is this a slicing problem or the orientation that I’m using to print the object?
Printing PLA, nozzle temp 200, bed temp 60.



Hey Len,

Went down to my families’ place in Simcoe city yesterday, the sky was clear as could be thankfully! Get to cross that one off the bucket list now!

Looks to me like the part that is warping up is not actually touching the build plate. I would try adding supports and see if that makes it any better. If you would like you can feel free to shoot the model over to me as well and I can try and slice it for you the way I would do it!


Hey Matt, I’m actually going to pop up early this afternoon to pick up my order. I can bring the .stl file with me.

No worries, I’ll take a peak in the store!

Thank again for your amazing help! I made the changes you suggested and voila! a much better print. I decided to print it with a brim to help with the adhesion.

BTW, did you manage to find any info on the display cable/s switching from the CR-20 main board to the SKR Mini?


Hey Len, that’s a great looking print! Congrats!!

I did some digging around and did manage to find this:

Seems like you can split some of the pins from each of the ports in order to use 1 cable.

Hey Matt, thank you once again for the excellent support!

I’ve got a plain grey cable that I could butcher to try those pin changes. It’ll be challenging since the ribbon cable is all one colour.

I’ll let you know how I make out.


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Yeah let me know how you make out!