CR touch as caliper possible?

I was able to use one of these and it just so happened that the screws on the back lined up with the front plate guard slots. But it’s too far front to properly line up with the five manual leveling points, as well as the extra weight it adds.
I was curious if the already installed CR touch could be used to show the actual number that it’s reading to function in the same way so that instead of using paper or a feeler gauge you could just turn the knobs on the bottom with the CR touch telling you when to stop, or two see its value so you know when to stop.

Also, does anyone know how to The Ender 5s1,
Know how to edit the five probe points as well as increase the number of points that makes the bed mesh with.

I do not have a Sonic pad and every video will help I’ve ever seen with this printer seems to always include one making it hard to DIY solutions without a Sonic pad.