I bought this unit new back in December 2022. I have had several problems with it. It does not print as good as my Ender 3 pro. Now it is not reading from my SD card! Tried several different cards, same thing! I tried to send it back after the first month I got it, but all Creality support wanted me to do was check things that I had already checked. They never offered to replace the unit!
I am out of things to try to fix it. Since I can’t get a replacement from the company,Can I get another Motherboard for this unit?
My son was having a similar problem with his creality and solved it by reformatting the card before using it.
I tried that, and used a new card. No luck?
Thanks though!
[Ender 3: How to print over USB (Without SD Card) – 3D Solved]
This may be of use for the time being especially if you have a laptop. At. Least you will know if your board is good.
I am pretty sure we have the replacement boards for this printer in stock, Let me check
Yes we have them
They are pre-flashed with firmware for that printer so it would be a drop-in and go.