Crs10s clogging after a certain height

using PLA from 3d print Canada and after about 18 hrs of printing the hot end gets clogged, i have changed the hot end and thermistor cable and also change the stepper motor cable to the extruder and nothing has solved the issue. when i pulled the PLA out of the bowden tube and the end of the pla is swollen out.

Hello there!

Sorry to hear that this is happening to you, is it an all metal or a ptfe lined hotend? Are you using a bowden or a direct drive extruder? What do you have your retraction set to in your slicer? Does this happen exclusively with the 3D Printing Canada PLA, or does it happen with others as well?

If you could try to get back to me with the answers to these questions it would be very helpful for finding a solution to your problem!


Hi Mathew

my hot end has a bowden tube which goes in the hot end, i do not have direct drive and my retraction speed is 45. Right now I have pla + and it has worked very well for me in the past .

thank you


Thanks for your response!

What model is your 3D Printer, is the hotend all metal or is it a ptfe lined one? Thanks for the info about the retraction speed, could I also ask what your retraction length is?

Thank you!

Hi Mathew
retraction length is 5 mm, my 3d printer is creality CR10S and my hot end is all metal with bowden tube pushed inside to the nozzel.
thank you

Hi, thanks for the extra information!

The first thing I would check is that the Bowden tube is pushed all the way into the hotend. I had the same issue in the past and it turned out that my Bowden tube wasn’t all the way into the hotend.

You may also want to try turning your retraction length down, 5mm seems pretty reasonable for a bowden setup, but if you turn it down and there are no clogs then you know that may be part of your issue.

Hope this helps!