Cura Settings when changing nozzle size

Good morning everyone,
We have just switched out our 0.4mm nozzle for a 0.6mm nozzle. Before printing, is there a setting in cura that we should be changing to show the nozzle adjustment? (Maybe we just missed it in the program?) :thinking:

I think all you need to do is change the line width to match the nozzle size.

Ah! Thanks - will try that. :slight_smile:

NO! That’s not the correct way to specify the nozzle size. Don’t change the “Line Width” as it is a function of the “Nozzle size” as noted in Cura:

The correct way to specify the Nozzle size is to click on “Settings” → “Printer” → “Manage Printers”. When the “Preferences” window comes up click on “Machine Settings” and select the “Extrusion 1” tab:

I admit it’s a bit convoluted to set the nozzle size this way but it needs to be done this way to ensure that the correct gcode is generated.

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I had checked there in my version of Cura and it does not have that line there. So one would expect the only other way to change size would be as I noted, but I stand corrected!

What version of Cura are you running? I’ve been using it for at least five years and it’s always had a nozzle size specification.

Cura 5.1

Do not know if I am missing something.

Just did some research on this. It sounds like you are using “Creality Slicer” which is a fork of Cura or installed the Creality plugins for Cura.

If so, then to change the nozzle diameter, you have to specify the new size with the filament being used:

Here is a better view:

I don’t have a good explanation of what’s happening here other than Creality has decided to slightly modify the standard way of doing things. That seems to be part of the Creality business model.

You should not modify the “Line Width” assuming that’s all that’s changed when a new nozzle size is used.

Just out of curiosity, can you send a screen shot of the pop up that comes about when you hover the mouse pointer of “Line Width” to see what you get (like my first screen shot of the overall Cura desktop)?