Hello There
I am Wondering If There Is A Profile For The Ender 3 V3 KE In Cura.
Thank You In Advance
Hello There
I am Wondering If There Is A Profile For The Ender 3 V3 KE In Cura.
Thank You In Advance
There isn’t one in Cura 5.5 but you could try one of the other ones like the Ender 3 V2 and see if it works. They are similar enough that that is what you may have to do.
Yes you could use this profile,
I would personally copy the start and end gcode from creality slicer just to make sure it will be the same. The speeds won’t be nearly as fast by default but you could adjust these to be the same as crealityslicer as well.
Use the one with Creality Print. I’ve had good success with that slicer.
Looking for Artillery3d sidewinder x4 pro profile
Thank You for your Replies I looked into all The Profiles You Suggested unfortunately cura doesn’t support klipper. Although I’m not sure if it matters. I Am Using Creality Print. decent program, limited though and at the same time has more then Cura.
Are you sure that printer has a klipper MB???
yup the ender 3 v3 ke is klipper firmware.
The Creality Nebula Pad is like the Sonic Pad, it uses a forked version of Klipper that is closed source with marginal support.
You will not get support through the regular Klipper channels.
yup you are rite thank you for the info