Cxdlpv4 format for resin printer

I am trying to use my halot mage printer. I sliced a file using the Creality slicer. It saved the file as a *.cxdlp file however do the files need to be in *.cxdlpv4 format? How do I change the format?

Make sure you are using Halot Box for your slicing, and make sure you have the halot mage properly selected as your printer. Then the default file format will be .cxdlpv4.

It does not give me an option to select Halot Mage only Halot Box

Did I receive the incorrect USB stick to install with my Halot Mage?

It does not work. When I select the Halot Mage I cannot export

The file gets saved however it is not loading on the Halot Mage printer.

Am I supposed to save or export? The export button does nothing when I click on it it just turn blue until I release the button however nothing happens.

I am using a USB stick to save the file.

Inside of the halot box program you will need to add the Halot Mage as your printer. Then once you slice your part you will need to save the sliced file to the usb drive and print it on the computer.