Hi All. The extruder motor on my Ender 3 Neo stopped working. I have swapped the X-xis and extruder cables. The X-axis works fine when I set the extruder to move, but the extruder motor still doesn’t move. I"ve been running a Spite SE extruder but swapped back to the original motor with the same result. With either motor, if I switch the printer on, set the nozzle to print temperature then try moving the extruder through the movement menu it jerks momentarily then won’t respond. I suspect motherboard. Can anyone help please? Thanks, Jim.
Some people don’t deserve to have 3D printers! I found I’d cut one of the wires in the ribbon cable to the extruder when removing cable ties. Feeling suitably humbled…
Hey Jim don’t beat yourself up! It happens lol
Believe me, if I had a dollar for every silly mistake I made on one of my machines I would have to work anymore! The important part is to learn from it and to try not to make the mistake again.