I just spent an hour searching through 3 pages of Parts/Fans, and not one of them matched extruder fan PN EFS04D24L in my Ender 3 Pro. I lost two blades, and the fan vibrates like a B-24, so nothing it prints is gonna work out, if it even finishes without going pure string-ball.
How do I cross reference my fan PN with the “4010” “5015” and other references I see all over the Parts section? Should it be this hard to find a $5 part for one of the most successful and common printers out there? My printer is a paperweight until I can source a replacement, and I have a list of prints i wanted to get done this week. NOT a happy camper.
I appreciate a fan is a fan, but I’m not interested in a trial and error process. Its Brushless. 24VDC. 0.10A. If you know which fan I should be buying, or can translate my fan part number into something that’s in the parts section, please help.