I got an Ender 3 pro and was enjoying printing small items on it, but couldn’t do long prints as the noise it made wasn’t too loud, but loud enough to interrupt people’s sleep in my house.
My brother and law and I pooled together and got another Ender 3 that was upgraded, but the power supply want working. I took the BL touch, glass bed, metal extruder, and the motherboard.
Is been a lot of hair pulling putting everything on and getting it up and running, but in having one last issue when it comes to printing. The PLA filament won’t stick to the middle of the plate. I run the nozzle temp at 210 and the plate at 60.
I haven’t yet cleaned the glass yet (but will be in about ten minutes). Adjusting the Z offset even one tiny degree results in the filament still not sticking or being too close and squishing on the plate. Is been a week and I’m at the end of my ropes.
Do you have a bed leveling sensor installed? If so are you doing the bed leveling when the build plate is hot or cold? When you are doing bed leveling you need to make sure that everything is heated up to the temperature you are going to be printing at because of thermal expansion.
Also, have you done any manual leveling of the build plate prior to running auto bed leveling? I would try redoing this, also make sure to do this when it is hot.
In terms of z-offset I usually tend to lean on the side of a little bit of squish on the first layer. Also put down some gluestick if you haven’t already!
Print the first layer at 70 deg and then 50 for the rest.
Print the first layer with a nozzle 10 degrees higher then the rest of the print
Print with the “initial layer line width” at 125%
Use glue and a brim.
It’s mostly working! The brim sticks, but the actual benchy base doesn’t stick. I’ll try a glue stick and maybe give the glass a really good scrub. Going to try moving the print away from the middle as well. I feel like I’m 98% there now. Thank you
All very good suggestions. Also, try setting the first layer at .3mm then the rest of the print at .2mm
This will give a bit more filament to squish onto the plate so the rest of your print can stick to it better.