Ender 3 with CR Touch goes to X max and stalls

The zero and X and Y offsets are way off and I cannot find a way to reset them. I’ve reinstalled the firmware for my Marlin 32 bit board and CR Touch and it does not seem to help. When I try to level the bed it goes to x max and stalls. Any help great fully accepted!


Did you change the offsets inside the firmware before flashing it to the machine at all? There should be some lines in where the auto bed leveler options are in the firmware to set an offset.

I did not make any changes in the firmware. When I originally set it up with the CR Touch about a year ago it worked perfectly without any changes. I had to redo the setup after I had some problems with the printer. I reloaded the firmware from Creality for my 32 bit board several times but the offsets appear to be way off each time.

Thanks for your help.
