Ender 3 Z-axis limit switch

Hi Forum Folks,

New member, and also new to 3D printing. Just assembled my new Ender 3, and while a bit confusing in places, it’s correctly assembled… except for maybe one thing. the harness from the motherboard that runs up over the bed to the X and Z axis motors also has the wire for the Z-axis limit switch included. Problem is, when I connect the two motors, I have to run the Z axis down about halfway before the wire can be plugged into the limit switch… so how does the printhead reach full height in the Z axis without pulling the wires off of the switch? It appears that I’m going to have to “dissect” the limit switch wiring out of the harness so when the Z axis travels up it doesn’t pull the wires off or damage the wiring or switch.

Am I misunderstanding what I’m seeing? The connectors can’t be confused (well, I could confuse X and Y motor connectors, but even so, those aren’t the issue here, it’s the limit switch), as the motor connectors have 6 pins / 4 wires and have “X” and “E” code sleeves on the wires, and the limit switch has a smaller 3 pin / 2 wire connector and has a “Z” code sleeve on the wires…

Any clarification would be greatly appreciated… I’m afraid to power this thing up until this question is resolved… hate to damage it at the first power-up!

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Scratch that… file it under “mechanic malfunction.” :wink: In searching for serial number to create a support job ticket, I found the Z axis limit switch wire; it had been tucked out of sight, beside the motherboard case. AND found the X-axis connector inside the motor shroud ( the one that has the QR code on it, facing front)… the one I had been trying to plug into the limit switch. :-/ All good. Thanks for reading anyway!

Hi Kharrisma

I was just going to post something like that but I saw your second post and you beat me to it, Glad you got it. Sometimes in the worst case, the wire falls into the case below and you have to open the bottom to find it.

Post up pics of anything cool you are working on, Would be excited to see it.