Free Platform for Makers to List Their Services and Gain Online Visibility

Hello everyone! I’m a maker and the solo developer behind I’ve created this platform after the difficulties I encountered in the past for some of my projects. The scope of this platform is to give each maker the opportunity to create and manage a dedicated page, a space optimized for search engines where makers can specify the products they can manufacture, processes, materials, regions served, and so on. This would allow potential customers to find them and start a conversation.

Best of all, is completely free to use. There are no fees or obligations whatsoever. My hope is that this platform will empower makers and customers alike, fostering entrepreneurship and collaboration at a local level. If you have any suggestions, feel free to reach me out! Thank you!

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Hi Lorey

thanks for reaching out here on our forum, Glad to see you here.

I hope our users are able to utilize your service. Do you actively seek out makers or are you relying 100% on word-of-mouth advertising?

Hey Jason, thanks for your reply. Regarding your question, I do it in multiple ways:

  1. I interact with Makers on platforms like Discord and Reddit, checking if they are interested in joining.
  2. I proactively add Makers when I discover their services; after that, I message/inform them and allow them to claim control over the page created.
  3. I also receive submissions and suggestions from Makers about other Makers.

As you can imagine, the project is still on a small scale at the moment. However, I hope it can still help Makers gain visibility and bring more attention to local craftsmanship.

that is a very interesting model, I hope a lot of people join in with you. Would be nice to find makers that have small-scale stuff in your area. I had a look through it. I think the concept is a great idea.