Full Size Human Head

Hi, I just finished my biggest print so far. I got this from thingiverse. I am quite happy with the result.
Ender 3 Max, 0.4mm nozzle, Cura 4.8 - estimated 36h7m. Took 35h17m.

I scaled the original model at 200%. Next time, if any, I will use 230% to get closer to my head size. :slight_smile:
Infill 5%.



Looks very good. Are you going to paint it? Is it just a piece of art or do you have other plans for it?

For.my daughter for taking photos of masks that we make to sell them.


A great use for the head.

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It was also a way to test my printer. This was by far the longuest print job I did and the print quality came out very good. When I first got my printer, I had a few issues with layer shifting and last week the nozzle was partialy clogged. This head print job confirmed that I managed to eliminate those problems.

Sometimes our best work comes out “just because” we want to test printer settings.

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that’s awesome, cannot get much better a test than that.


So… do i need like 250% or 300% for my meat head?


I have a relatively large head. If 230% matches mine, at 250% to 300% would be quite a large one. :slight_smile:

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wow, really cool!!! I love making steampunk stuff and accessories, so probably ill use it to make an art piece eventually!! Good job!! :slight_smile: