Great print by a 3D Printing Canada customer

Here is a great Moose print by John. Printed using 3D Printing Canada wood filament and stained.


That’s great!! :slight_smile: How much time/filament was used? Do you know? :slight_smile:

I’m not sure how much time it took, he didn’t say.
I know that he was into his 2nd roll of filament.

The whole head with antlers was printed at 75% full size to fit on an Ender 6. After a few false starts, I used a total of two rolls (2 x 1kg) of 3D Printing PLA wood filament. The largest part was the head, and that took 25 hrs to print using a 0.8mm nozzle. The parts were all glued together using super glue (cyanoacrylate) and have been hanging on the bunkie for a few weeks now with no issues.

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That’s awesome … I’d share my moose nose recipe but clearly, you don’t need it!

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