I have an issue with my CR-10 Max printer:
When I power up, the blue light on the left side of the electronics module (the block where the LCD panel is) flashes, as well as the light of the filament sensor. The LCD does not show anything. If I disconnect the main breakout cable from the connector located aside where the filament is being fed, the system boots and the LCD powers on, with the usual UI. If I reconnect the breakout cable again, it shuts down right away.
Prior to this, I’ve had a lot of issues that the Leveling sensor wouldn’t be working properly and would keep flashing. It would take 2-3 reboots until the probe would be working and not flashing. Then, the issue first described occurred, which means that now whenever the breakout cable is connected, nothing works, and therefore never able to do leveling.
Thanks for your help in advance.