Help with clean up

Hello, I’m new to this forum and Resin 3d printing. I’ve been at it for a few months now, you name it and I’ve probably done it wrong. Because of this I’m doing a hard reset of my 3d printing space and wanted some advice of making sure things are safe and clean, so I can start fresh and implement better practices with resin.

My current approach to this clean up has been cleaning all surfaces with IPA and painstakingly slowly going over the space with a UV curing lamp. However it’s pretty slow going because how close you need to hold the UV lamp and how long you need to hold it still in each spot. The recommended distance for this lamp is 5 cm and a 10 - 15 second hold.

My first thought is can I hold the light back further covering a larger surface area, but hold it still longer?

Any advice? And apologies if this has been answered before.