Hi i am Tim Postma

i was born in the mid 1990’s i am from riverside windsor ontario from 1998-2017 , & i got my first 3d printer in christmas 2015
i support innovation , technology , engineering and kids playing is encouraged

i am a designer , intellectual , inventor , student of windsor essex county catholic board from 2000-2017
and 3d printing is the light of my life
i also like helping people & i am honest even if its brutally honest

i also am a man of many ideas , i always have been creative
if you have any questions feel free to comment

I posted this in another thread but apparently some did not see it,

Apparently I have offended some one with a post started by Tim Postma, now deleted so I can’t reference it but I did not intend to do so. I had no way to know if he had some problem and the post referenced an old commercial about a woman with some mental problem where she could smell burnt toast while under a medical procedure. The reply was meant in jest, not to offend. I hope this will straighten things out.

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