Alright, time to throw-down. post a pic of your bed level numbers & or visual, lowest distance between high and low wins, 9 data points minimum, prefer 25 but whatever!
Here’s mine, 0.189
Alright, time to throw-down. post a pic of your bed level numbers & or visual, lowest distance between high and low wins, 9 data points minimum, prefer 25 but whatever!
Here’s mine, 0.189
challenge accepted, how about if I can get .25 on a big meter??
LOL, Im trying to find the screenshot on my last modix build…
OK, pro-rated to bed size ratios, so 1000/230 = 4.35, so my 0.189 is equivalent to 0.82mm on yours…
ROFL, fair enough,
Got caught up on a call, think you have me beat though
Well, you sold me the glass bed, so who really wins anyway?..
Funny but I just spent a good hour in the shop fiddling with the knobs, attempting to get zeros across the board on my mesh. Came no where near zero, but the really small numbers I did get, led to, TADA ====> ******>>>>>>>$$$$$ a nearly perfect first layer print. Meaning I can now move on to the next steps in my journey with confidence.
I had NO IDEA that I could just adjust knobs, run a leveling, and VIEW MESH w/NUMBERS… to reveal how my twiddling was going. Now that I know that, DUH… I feel better.
Good stuff.
How do we get a mesh graph like that anyway? Ive seen it around but no idea how to make it? My cr10s pro has a bl touch, so id like to see how mine compares.
I think you can see this in pronterface but there should be a way to see it on your printer wherever the mesh tools are or your leveling stuff
Octoprint, Bed Visualizer is what I used.
Thanks, ill look into that when i get time. I have an octopi, but i didnt set it up myself. Though it shouldnt be difficult to add that plugin.
There is a web based visualizer, you grab the output from your G29 command and load it here
Same as octoprint just can throw anything at it.
It’s like you guys aren’t even trying!
Nothing but green fields over here, after moving my clamps close to the middle, and shimming the outside corners, 0.164mm
Looking pretty green over here
I would also like to make a submission for the ‘Most Warped Bed’ challange:
Ha! Looks like someone dropped an anvil on the back there…
(only the last pic came though though…)
And we have a new winner! 0.091mm! Epic flatness - and I’m living in Saskatchewan…
less than a 10th is epic on any day!! I have a 660 x 660 bed to do today, have to see how that goes.
OK, here is mine, Actually am doing up a custom firmware to release to the public for the ender 5 plus using a factory mainboard utilizing the M34 auto Z leveling within Marlin.
Most of it is automated but clearly, my bed is warped… Uh well, Stay tuned for the release of the firmware. Working on the NEW LCD menu currently. IF anyone is open to testing it drop me a PM.
well, 0.349 … it’s just a little - curvy…
I know , I was using an old textured sheet which im sure is not helping, picked up a std pex today