How To Set Up Gcode For An Internet Slicer?

I will be going on a longish vacation and won’t have any windows slicer access; i will have a bambu lab a1 printer and plan on using Android for internet access.
Since i cant use Cura,Orca,Bambu Studio i was turning to an internet slicer like Kiri:Moto;
ok but how do i get the right start and end-gcode (Bambu Lab A1) ?
Is it a simple matter of looking at my current generated code from BamBu Studio and determining what is the minimum satrt and end g-codes and then entering them into Kiri ?

(Sure would be nice if the generated BamBu Studio g-code has sections dedicated for start and end code or at least “Start Code Start”, “Start Code End” delimiters.)

You should be able to use the unfortunately named bambu handy app for that as well. As far as I remember you can slice and start and print on makerworld for any bambulabs printer directly from your phone using it. Might be worth a look.

Not sure if this is available in Bambu Studio, haven’t checked. But in OrcaSlicer you can hit the machine settings button and get the start and end gcode from there, I will just post it here for you!

Start Gcode:

;===== machine: A1 =========================
;===== date: 20240104 =====================
G392 S0
;M73 P1.717

;===== start to heat heatbead&hotend==========
M1002 gcode_claim_action : 2
M1002 set_filament_type:{filament_type[initial_no_support_extruder]}
M104 S140
M140 S[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single]

;=====start printer sound ===================
M400 S1
M1006 S1
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C37 D10 M60 E37 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C41 D10 M60 E41 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C44 D10 M60 E44 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C0 D10 M60 E0 F10 N60
M1006 A43 B10 L100 C46 D10 M70 E39 F10 N80
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C0 D10 M60 E0 F10 N80
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C43 D10 M60 E39 F10 N80
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C0 D10 M60 E0 F10 N80
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C41 D10 M80 E41 F10 N80
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C44 D10 M80 E44 F10 N80
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C49 D10 M80 E49 F10 N80
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C0 D10 M80 E0 F10 N80
M1006 A44 B10 L100 C48 D10 M60 E39 F10 N80
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C0 D10 M60 E0 F10 N80
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C44 D10 M80 E39 F10 N80
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C0 D10 M60 E0 F10 N80
M1006 A43 B10 L100 C46 D10 M60 E39 F10 N80
M1006 W
;=====start printer sound ===================

;=====avoid end stop =================
G380 S2 Z40 F1200
G380 S2 Z-15 F1200

;===== reset machine status =================
;M290 X39 Y39 Z8
M204 S6000

M630 S0 P0
M17 Z0.3 ; lower the z-motor current

M17 X0.65 Y1.2 Z0.6 ; reset motor current to default
M960 S5 P1 ; turn on logo lamp
M220 S100 ;Reset Feedrate
M221 S100 ;Reset Flowrate
M73.2 R1.0 ;Reset left time magnitude
;M211 X0 Y0 Z0 ; turn off soft endstop to prevent protential logic problem

;====== cog noise reduction=================
M982.2 S1 ; turn on cog noise reduction

M1002 gcode_claim_action : 13

G28 X
G1 Z5 F1200
G0 X128 F30000
G0 Y254 F3000
G1 Z-5 F1200

M109 S10 H140

M17 E0.3
G1 E10 F1200
G1 E-0.5 F30
M17 D

G28 Z P0 T140; home z with low precision,permit 300deg temperature
M104 S{nozzle_temperature_initial_layer[initial_extruder]}

M1002 judge_flag build_plate_detect_flag
M622 S1
G1 Z5 F1200

;M73 P1.717

;===== prepare print temperature and material ==========
M1002 gcode_claim_action : 24

;G392 S1
M211 X0 Y0 Z0 ;turn off soft endstop
M975 S1 ; turn on

G1 X-28.5 F30000
G1 X-48.2 F3000

M620 M ;enable remap
M620 S[initial_no_support_extruder]A ; switch material if AMS exist
M1002 gcode_claim_action : 4
M1002 set_filament_type:UNKNOWN
M109 S[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer]
M104 S250
G1 X-48.2 F3000

M620.1 E F{filament_max_volumetric_speed[initial_no_support_extruder]/2.4053*60} T{nozzle_temperature_range_high[initial_no_support_extruder]}
M109 S250 ;set nozzle to common flush temp
M106 P1 S0
G92 E0
G1 E50 F200
M1002 set_filament_type:{filament_type[initial_no_support_extruder]}

M621 S[initial_no_support_extruder]A

M109 S{nozzle_temperature_range_high[initial_no_support_extruder]} H300
G92 E0
G1 E50 F200 ; lower extrusion speed to avoid clog
M106 P1 S178
G92 E0
G1 E5 F200
M104 S{nozzle_temperature_initial_layer[initial_no_support_extruder]}
G92 E0
G1 E-0.5 F300

G1 X-28.5 F30000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-28.5 F30000 ;wipe and shake
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-28.5 F30000 ;wipe and shake
G1 X-48.2 F3000

;G392 S0

M106 P1 S0
;===== prepare print temperature and material end =====

;M73 P1.717

;===== auto extrude cali start =========================
M975 S1
;G392 S1

G1 X-48.2 Y0 Z10 F10000
M1002 set_filament_type:UNKNOWN

M412 S1 ; ===turn on filament runout detection===
M400 P10
M620.3 W1; === turn on filament tangle detection===
M400 S2

M1002 set_filament_type:{filament_type[initial_no_support_extruder]}

;M1002 set_flag extrude_cali_flag=1
M1002 judge_flag extrude_cali_flag

M622 J1
M1002 gcode_claim_action : 8

M109 S{nozzle_temperature[initial_extruder]}
G1 E10 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/2.4*60}
M983 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/2.4} A0.3 H[nozzle_diameter]; cali dynamic extrusion compensation

M106 P1 S255
M400 S5
G1 X-28.5 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-28.5 F18000 ;wipe and shake
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-28.5 F12000 ;wipe and shake
G1 X-48.2 F3000
M106 P1 S0

M1002 judge_last_extrude_cali_success
M622 J0
    M983 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/2.4} A0.3 H[nozzle_diameter]; cali dynamic extrusion compensation
    M106 P1 S255
    M400 S5
    G1 X-28.5 F18000
    G1 X-48.2 F3000
    G1 X-28.5 F18000 ;wipe and shake
    G1 X-48.2 F3000
    G1 X-28.5 F12000 ;wipe and shake
    M106 P1 S0

G1 X-48.2 F3000
M984 A0.1 E1 S1 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/2.4}
M106 P1 S178
M400 S5
G1 X-28.5 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-28.5 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-28.5 F18000
M106 P1 S0

M623 ; end of “draw extrinsic para cali paint”

;G392 S0
;===== auto extrude cali end ========================

;M73 P1.717

M104 S170 ; prepare to wipe nozzle
M106 S255 ; turn on fan

;===== mech mode fast check start =====================
M1002 gcode_claim_action : 3

G1 X128 Y128 F20000
G1 Z5 F1200
M400 P200
M970.3 Q1 A5 K0 O3
M974 Q1 S2 P0

M970.2 Q1 K1 W58 Z0.11
M974 S2

G1 X128 Y128 F20000
G1 Z5 F1200
M400 P200
M970.3 Q0 A10 K0 O1
M974 Q0 S2 P0

M975 S1
G1 F30000
G1 X0 Y5
G28 X ; re-home XY

;===== mech mode fast check end =======================

;M73 P1.717

;===== wipe nozzle ===============================
M1002 gcode_claim_action : 14

M975 S1
M106 S255 ; turn on fan (G28 has turn off fan)
M211 S; push soft endstop status
M211 X0 Y0 Z0 ;turn off Z axis endstop

;===== remove waste by touching start =====

M104 S170 ; set temp down to heatbed acceptable

G1 E-1 F500

M109 S170
G0 X108 Y-0.5 F30000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X110 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X112 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X114 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X116 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X118 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X120 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X122 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X124 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X126 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X128 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X130 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X132 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X134 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X136 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X138 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X140 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X142 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X144 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X146 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200
G1 Z2 F1200
G1 X148 F10000
G380 S3 Z-5 F1200

G1 Z5 F30000
;===== remove waste by touching end =====

G1 Z10 F1200
G0 X118 Y261 F30000
G1 Z5 F1200
M109 S{nozzle_temperature_initial_layer[initial_extruder]-50}

G28 Z P0 T300; home z with low precision,permit 300deg temperature
G29.2 S0 ; turn off ABL
M104 S140 ; prepare to abl
G0 Z5 F20000

G0 X128 Y261 F20000 ; move to exposed steel surface
G0 Z-1.01 F1200 ; stop the nozzle

G2 I1 J0 X2 Y0 F2000.1
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5

G1 Z10 F1200

;===== brush material wipe nozzle =====

G1 Y250 F30000
G1 X55
G1 Z1.300 F1200
G1 Y262.5 F6000
G1 X-35 F30000
G1 Y-0.5
G1 X45
G1 Y-0.5
G1 X-45
G1 Y-0.5
G1 X45
G1 Y-0.5
G1 X-45
G1 Y-0.5
G1 X45
G1 Z5.000 F1200

G1 X30 Y250.000 F30000
G1 Z1.300 F1200
G1 Y262.5 F6000
G1 X35 F30000
G1 Y-0.5
G1 X-45
G1 Y-0.5
G1 X45
G1 Y-0.5
G1 X-45
G1 Y-0.5
G1 X45
G1 Y-0.5
G1 X-45
G1 Z10.000 F1200

;===== brush material wipe nozzle end =====

;G0 X128 Y261 F20000 ; move to exposed steel surface
G1 Y250 F30000
G1 X138
G1 Y261
G0 Z-1.01 F1200 ; stop the nozzle

G2 I1 J0 X2 Y0 F2000.1
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5
G2 I1 J0 X2
G2 I-0.75 J0 X-1.5

M109 S140
M106 S255 ; turn on fan (G28 has turn off fan)

M211 R; pop softend status

;===== wipe nozzle end ================================

;M73 P1.717

;===== bed leveling ==================================
M1002 judge_flag g29_before_print_flag

G1 Z5 F1200
G1 X0 Y0 F30000
G29.2 S1 ; turn on ABL

M190 S[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single]; ensure bed temp
M109 S140
M106 S0 ; turn off fan , too noisy

M622 J1
M1002 gcode_claim_action : 1
G29 A X{first_layer_print_min[0]} Y{first_layer_print_min[1]} I{first_layer_print_size[0]} J{first_layer_print_size[1]}
M500 ; save cali data
;===== bed leveling end ================================

;===== home after wipe mouth============================
M1002 judge_flag g29_before_print_flag
M622 J0

M1002 gcode_claim_action : 13


;===== home after wipe mouth end =======================

;M73 P1.717

M104 S{nozzle_temperature_initial_layer[initial_extruder]} ; prepare to print

;===== nozzle load line ===============================
;G1 Z5 F1200
;G1 X88 Y-0.5 F20000
;G1 Z0.3 F1200

;M109 S{nozzle_temperature_initial_layer[initial_extruder]}

;G1 E2 F300
;G1 X168 E4.989 F6000
;G1 Z1 F1200
;===== noozle load line end ===========================

;===== extrude cali test ===============================

M900 S

M900 C
G1 X78.000 Y-0.500 F30000
G1 Z0.300 F1200

M109 S{nozzle_temperature_initial_layer[initial_extruder]}
G1 E3 F300

G1 X83.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X88.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X93.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X98.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X103.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X108.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X113.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X118.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X123.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X128.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X133.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X138.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X143.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X148.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X153.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X158.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X163.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X168.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X173.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X178.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X179 Z0
G1 X183
G1 Z1

M900 R
G1 X78.000 Y4.500 F30000
G1 Z0.300 F1200
G1 E0.5 F300
G1 X83.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X88.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X93.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X98.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X103.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X108.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X113.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X118.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X123.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X128.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X133.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X138.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X143.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X148.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X153.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X158.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X163.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X168.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X173.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*0.4 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X178.000 E0.3118 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed*1.0 /(0.3*0.5) * 60}
G1 X179 Z0
G1 X183
G1 Z1

G1 Z0.2

;M73 P1.717

;========turn off light and wait extrude temperature =============
M1002 gcode_claim_action : 0

;===== for Textured PEI Plate , lower the nozzle as the nozzle was touching topmost of the texture when homing ==
{if curr_bed_type==“Textured PEI Plate”}
G29.1 Z{-0.02} ; for Textured PEI Plate

M960 S1 P0 ; turn off laser
M960 S2 P0 ; turn off laser
M106 S0 ; turn off fan
M106 P2 S0 ; turn off big fan
M106 P3 S0 ; turn off chamber fan

M975 S1 ; turn on mech mode supression

M211 X0 Y0 Z0 ;turn off soft endstop
;G392 S1 ; turn on clog detection
M1007 S1 ; turn on mass estimation

End Gcode

;===== date: 20231229 =====================
G392 S0 ;turn off nozzle clog detect

M400 ; wait for buffer to clear
G92 E0 ; zero the extruder
G1 E-0.8 F1800 ; retract
G1 Z{max_layer_z + 0.5} F900 ; lower z a little
G1 X0 Y{first_layer_center_no_wipe_tower[1]} F18000 ; move to safe pos
G1 X-13.0 F3000 ; move to safe pos
{if !spiral_mode && print_sequence != “by object”}
M1002 judge_flag timelapse_record_flag
M622 J1
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M400 P100
M971 S11 C11 O0
M991 S0 P-1 ;end timelapse at safe pos

M140 S0 ; turn off bed
M106 S0 ; turn off fan
M106 P2 S0 ; turn off remote part cooling fan
M106 P3 S0 ; turn off chamber cooling fan

;G1 X27 F15000 ; wipe

; pull back filament to AMS
M620 S255
G1 X267 F15000
G1 X-28.5 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-28.5 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
M621 S255

M104 S0 ; turn off hotend

M400 ; wait all motion done
M17 S
M17 Z0.4 ; lower z motor current to reduce impact if there is something in the bottom
{if (max_layer_z + 100.0) < 256}
G1 Z{max_layer_z + 100.0} F600
G1 Z{max_layer_z +98.0}
G1 Z256 F600
G1 Z256
M400 P100
M17 R ; restore z current

G1 X-48 Y180 F3600

M220 S100 ; Reset feedrate magnitude
M201.2 K1.0 ; Reset acc magnitude
M73.2 R1.0 ;Reset left time magnitude
M1002 set_gcode_claim_speed_level : 0

;=====printer finish sound=========
M400 S1
M1006 S1
M1006 A0 B20 L100 C37 D20 M40 E42 F20 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C44 D10 M60 E44 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C46 D10 M80 E46 F10 N80
M1006 A44 B20 L100 C39 D20 M60 E48 F20 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C44 D10 M60 E44 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C0 D10 M60 E0 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C39 D10 M60 E39 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C0 D10 M60 E0 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C44 D10 M60 E44 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C0 D10 M60 E0 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C39 D10 M60 E39 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C0 D10 M60 E0 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C48 D10 M60 E44 F10 N80
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C0 D10 M60 E0 F10 N80
M1006 A44 B20 L100 C49 D20 M80 E41 F20 N80
M1006 A0 B20 L100 C0 D20 M60 E0 F20 N80
M1006 A0 B20 L100 C37 D20 M30 E37 F20 N60
M1006 W
;=====printer finish sound=========

;M17 X0.8 Y0.8 Z0.5 ; lower motor current to 45% power
M18 X Y Z

Layer change Gcode:

; layer num/total_layer_count: {layer_num+1}/[total_layer_count]
; update layer progress
M73 L{layer_num+1}
M991 S0 P{layer_num} ;notify layer change

Change filament Gcode:

;===== machine: A1 =========================
;===== date: 20231225 =======================
M1007 S0 ; turn off mass estimation
G392 S0
M620 S[next_extruder]A
M204 S9000
{if toolchange_count > 1}
G2 Z{max_layer_z + 0.4} I0.86 J0.86 P1 F10000 ; spiral lift a little from second lift
G1 Z{max_layer_z + 3.0} F1200

M106 P1 S0
M106 P2 S0
{if old_filament_temp > 142 && next_extruder < 255}
M104 S[old_filament_temp]

G1 X267 F18000
M620.1 E F[old_filament_e_feedrate] T{nozzle_temperature_range_high[previous_extruder]}
M620.10 A0 F[old_filament_e_feedrate]
M620.1 E F[new_filament_e_feedrate] T{nozzle_temperature_range_high[next_extruder]}
M620.10 A1 F[new_filament_e_feedrate] L[flush_length] H[nozzle_diameter] T[nozzle_temperature_range_high]

G1 Y128 F9000

{if next_extruder < 255}

G92 E0
M628 S0

{if flush_length_1 > 1}
; always use highest temperature to flush
M1002 set_filament_type:UNKNOWN
M109 S[nozzle_temperature_range_high]
M106 P1 S60
{if flush_length_1 > 23.7}
G1 E23.7 F{old_filament_e_feedrate} ; do not need pulsatile flushing for start part
G1 E{(flush_length_1 - 23.7) * 0.02} F50
G1 E{(flush_length_1 - 23.7) * 0.23} F{old_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{(flush_length_1 - 23.7) * 0.02} F50
G1 E{(flush_length_1 - 23.7) * 0.23} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{(flush_length_1 - 23.7) * 0.02} F50
G1 E{(flush_length_1 - 23.7) * 0.23} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{(flush_length_1 - 23.7) * 0.02} F50
G1 E{(flush_length_1 - 23.7) * 0.23} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_1} F{old_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E-[old_retract_length_toolchange] F1800
G1 E[old_retract_length_toolchange] F300
M1002 set_filament_type:{filament_type[next_extruder]}

{if flush_length_1 > 45 && flush_length_2 > 1}
M106 P1 S178
M400 S3
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
M106 P1 S0

{if flush_length_2 > 1}
M106 P1 S60
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_2 * 0.02} F50
G1 E-[new_retract_length_toolchange] F1800
G1 E[new_retract_length_toolchange] F300

{if flush_length_2 > 45 && flush_length_3 > 1}
M106 P1 S178
M400 S3
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
M106 P1 S0

{if flush_length_3 > 1}
M106 P1 S60
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_3 * 0.02} F50
G1 E-[new_retract_length_toolchange] F1800
G1 E[new_retract_length_toolchange] F300

{if flush_length_3 > 45 && flush_length_4 > 1}
M106 P1 S178
M400 S3
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
M106 P1 S0

{if flush_length_4 > 1}
M106 P1 S60
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.02} F50
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.18} F{new_filament_e_feedrate}
G1 E{flush_length_4 * 0.02} F50


M106 P1 S60
M109 S[new_filament_temp]
G1 E6 F{new_filament_e_feedrate} ;Compensate for filament spillage during waiting temperature
G92 E0
G1 E-[new_retract_length_toolchange] F1800
M106 P1 S178
M400 S3
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 X-48.2 F3000
G1 X-38.2 F18000
G1 Z{max_layer_z + 3.0} F3000
M106 P1 S0
{if layer_z <= (initial_layer_print_height + 0.001)}
M204 S[initial_layer_acceleration]
M204 S[default_acceleration]
G1 X[x_after_toolchange] Y[y_after_toolchange] Z[z_after_toolchange] F12000
M621 S[next_extruder]A
G392 S0

M1007 S1

thanks a big bunch , that saves me a ton of work ( and likely a number of retries) :+1:

looking at the g-code , a few questions jump out, ones that i bet you can easily answer:
the start and end -code sections are obvious , the other 2 , layer change and filament…; what are they ? are they macros that can be placed anywhere in the code ( just wild-guessing maybe right after the start g-code section ?)
( sorry for my obvious lack of appreciation for g-code construction)

Don’t be sorry, everyone has to learn at some point!

It would be for if you have the AMS unit with it. For each filament change that you have to do you would need that gcode to use it. If you don’t have the AMS unit you do not have to worry about that!

In terms of the layer change gcode this is simply to update the progress of the print. This script is run at the end of each layer and just updates the screen that the layer has been finished. So if your print has 50 layers it will start at layer 1 and every time a layer is finished it will add 1 to that count until the print is done!

looked in bambu studio and found this code; didnt check each line but it looks to be the same ;
it is under printer settings ( the icon next to select presets; 2nd option down on the upper left hand corner); sub-section “machine gcode”

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Great, it seems they have it set up the same as Orca then!