Input please - Spec sheet

Hi Everyone, Thanks for having a look for me.

I am going to try and coordinate a project to make a spec sheet for every printer listed on our forum. Below is going to be the general template I am going to be using. My goal for this is going to be if someone is looking for some technical spec for their STOCK printer they can look it up here. What kind of hot end is in it, How big is the bed, How big is the X-axis belt? This kind of thing. I started it on the Ender 3 V2 but I want to build the template with your input.

Please look at the next post and let me know if the template is good or if I am missing anything. I am open to any and all suggestions.

I have mocked it after the All3DP review website as a starting point but will add more information to it.

(Insert stock image of the printer here)
(Maybe manufacturers suggested MSRP)

Build volume X: Max Printable area X direction
Build volume Y: Max Printable area Y direction
Build volume(H) Z: Max Printable area Z direction
Filament Diameter:
XY axis Precision:
Z-Axis Precision:
Max Print Speed: mm/s

Belt Length X:
Belt Length Y:
Belt/Leadscrew Length Z:

Type of Hotend: (MK8, MK10, E3DV6, Volcano, custom, etc)
Max print temp nozzle: deg C
Stock Nozzle diameter:
Heated Bed: Y/N
Max print temp Bed: deg C
Filament Feeder system: Bowden/Direct Drive
Hot end cooling fan size:
Part cooling fan Size:
Control board fan size:

Auto Bed Leveling: Y/N
Filament Runout Sensor: Y/N
Printer Architecture: (Cartesian, RepRap Cartesian, CoreXY, Delta, etc.)
Power supply Voltage:
Power supply wattage:
Power supply manufacture:
Control board manufacture:
Control board version number:
Stepper Driver ID:
Frame Dimensions (total overall footprint):

Types of print Materials that could be printed on this printer (As listed by manufacturer)

Links below for build or review videos:

Hi Jason,

I think it’s a great idea and will help drive traffic to your site.

Immediate comments back:

  • An image of the printer needs to be there. Ideally something from the manufacturer as I hate squinting at a smart phone picture of somebody’s printer taken in their dank basement.
  • “Price” needs to be there. I don’t know what is the appropriate currency (I would probably say USD even though most people here are Canadian). I know that will be problematic for you because of import costs which inflates the price of the printer over the conversion rate but understanding the price is important.
  • Add “Printer Architecture” (Cartesian, RepRap Cartesian, CoreXY, etc.).
  • Can you explain what “Build volume X/Y” and what “Build Volume Z” are?
  • Could you explain “Mechanical Arrangement” for “Heated Bed”? I guess you’re asking it moves along the Y axis (RepRap Cartesian) or if it is what moves for the Z axis.
  • Add “Power supply manufacturer” as everybody wants to know if a Mean Well one is in there.
  • Add “Types of print materials” as many printers are limited to one/two types.
  • “Max print temp nozzle” should be under “Type of Hot End”.
  • “Max print temp bed” should be under “Heated Bed”.
  • Add “User Upgrades”. I’d love to know what alternative hot ends and whatnot are available for the printer.
  • Add links to online reviews.

Now, all that’s great but you can basically get that with a quick Google search.

What would make it of more use is to be able to select parameters (“Printers under $500”, “CoreXY”, etc.) and get a list of printers that match that criteria to allow users to compare.

Finally, I would like to see customer ratings. I know that’s a two edged sword, but I would like to know people’s experience in terms of general impression, longevity, ease of maintenance, manufacturer support, print quality, pros and cons. I know they’re available in the online reviews, but that takes work to add and I’m more interested in what have people emotional enough that they’ll write it down.

Sorry for the big dump.

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Love this idea!
Would be so helpful for many people.

This is a great idea!! I know you have the frame dimensions but might I also suggest a full printer footprint (for example if I am wanting to put a printer in an enclosure or on a shelf, what is the “envelope” for the printer including max bed travel, cable overhang, etc?).

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The printer envelope would be very useful.

Great feedback, Let me update the current framework in this thread and if any one else has something to add can do that as well.

The next phase of this is after the above information is filled in for all printers listed.

I am going to attempt to give a list of links in our store for stock parts for that printer. Basic consumables nozzles, Heater cartridges, heater blocks and the like. Kinda a quick link for parts you may need starting out. This part is not going to be completed immediately but once the framework is finalized I am going to take a printer or 2 a day and start populating it.

the first one is done, I did ol faithful the ender 3 V2

Just to get a feel of what is going to be involved in it. Going to add a couple of more items to the template but I think this is what most people will be looking for

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Looks good!

Does the total overall footprint include any space for the bed reaching further back than the rear frame? If you were to put it in a cupboard of exactly the dimensions of the “total overall footprint” would it be able to print without hitting anything?

I will be honest, I am not measuring them, however, I am finding some dimensions are bigger depending on the website, I am using the largest available from the sources I have but from what they are describing it should be “required space” that to me would include the sling of the bed.

I will spot-check as I see the printers in for service but I am just going to put the largest dimension I can find in there when I do my research.