Lost Network capability and Firmware Update thru USB stuck

Bought a Ender 3 V3 Plus last week. Has been working amazing out of the box. Today I connect the printer to Creality Print and it says its connected and showing idle. Great. I send a new print to it and after waiting 5minutes nothing happens. I turn the printer off, unplug it, and cycle power switch. I turn switch off, plug power back in, and turn on printer. Printer doesn’t show any networks in the Network tab. Nothing. after some online research people say to factory reset the device and update the firmware.
I factory reset the printer, and then I turned it off. I formated a USB stick, put the latest available firmware on it and plugged it into the printer and turned it on. The prompt comes on saying a new firmware is available and asks if i want to update it. I confirm selection and now its been stuck in “installing mode” for 30 min and nothing else has happened.

Please advise on best course of action?

UPDATE: Apparently the latest versions of Creality Print 6.0 have messed some things up. Following some Reddit forum advice, this was the fix. Thanks to user u/ LookAtDaShinyShiny

“just try deleting the last file or few files that were uploaded and/or printed on the machine. You can do this by using the fluidd UI to access the machine, that’s your printer’s IP:4408, so for instance. then look in the file list and delete top file/files and you’ll be fine, the creality ui will return and be useable.”

everything worked fine after that.

It was nice to hear that you solve the issue.

For Creality software , my advise is don’t use the latest update for the slicer or firmware. Wait at least 2-3months before using it. Sometimes you will experience bugs on the latest update, they usually fix the issue within that time.