Must watch YouTube video's

Been watching some YouTube video’s and have learned a lot from Chuck at CHEP, Teaching Tech and Dr. VAX.

Any other “must watch” learning videos?


An up-and-coming channel from Canada that makes some great “maker” videos is Bald Guy DIY. I really like his format: BaldGuyDIY - YouTube

Thomas Sanladerer isn’t too bad either or Chris basement


I agree with all of these picks so far, but have to suggest The Edge of Tech. There’s some good quick content (especially Ender 3 v2 related), and the channel is just starting to grow.

CNCKitchen is an amazing channel, they have a lot of property testing videos which is great for engineering property related projects


I suggest Makers Muse and Make Anything.


“The 3D Printing Zone”, especially the video " Revised: 3D Printing - 13 Things I Wish I Knew When I Got Started".


I likes the Dr Vax series I learn way more out of them and discovered a lot of new tricks in the process.
Its my go to video of choice for a lot of things!!

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Check out “Frankly Built”, especially if you’re into cosplay armor or props but he also talks basic 3D printing and electronics in a very straightforward and accessible way.

I just found this guy. Very good content,