My journey with "Pause at Height", learned a lot

I have some success so far.

8.5 inches long by 2 inches wide by 3/4 inch high.
I like to have 5 layers of new color minimum, it gives a nice solid color.

My hardware is as follows:

Creality CR-10 Smart Pro
Sonic Pad (Klipper)
Using Creality Slicer

You will need to add “[pause_resume]” in the Printer Settings.

Printer Settings 01

Just type in the Start G-code box to add.

After adding [pause-resume] you need to edit the 'Pause at Height" post processing script.

Post Processing 01

This will give you about one hour after it pauses to make the change before it stops. You will need to get er done before the time runs out or it fails.

I have not played with “Disarm Timeout” as of yet. It may add wait time and I will endeavor to find out.

Would like someone else to try it out.

Hope this helps someone.

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Very cool!

Thanks for sharing this, I might have to give this a shot! I have a couple projects I can think of that could benefit from using this, I have just been too lazy to figure it out myself :rofl:


Adding any thing to “Disarm Timeout” Causes a fail. I added a 1 and I added the max number I could, 1800, Both Fail. I cannot add to this section or it fails.

Always be ready during filament change to get small extrusions of filament just before it restarts.

Just had an issue where it failed when I felt it should not have failed. It continued quickly on its own before I changed the filament. Rebooted the sonic pad and the printer. Worked again. Like any computer, if you feel you did it all correctly, Reboot everything and try again before you trouble shoot.

I like it better without “Retraction” and “Extrude Amount” . I set them to Zero.

Not having any luck with Cura

Had to reboot the printer after a failed print. Needed to reboot printer and sonic pad again to get it to work. From now on when I have a large build that requires a filament change, I will test print my 2 layer coin with 5 layers of Text, “Mom”. It only takes 5 minutes to print and fails the same as a large print. After I have success printing the coin I will immediately print the large one. This results in less failures and less waisted filament.

Mom coin

Simple two layer thick coin with 5 layers of text. Excellent for learning to print two colors.

I can only get this to work using the Creality Slicer. I tried Cura but have so far not been able to get a good result.

Hi there,

This is a great idea! It certainly makes a lot more sense to test on a much smaller scale than waste a bunch of filament.

Keep up the great work!

Having repeatable consistent results now.

Make sure with the coin and no large failures since.

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That is very interesting. I have been starting to use multiple slicers as each do things differently. I will say this is far far easier in Prusa slicer. You press the little + on the hight modifier and it is automatic. It also automatically would recognize logos like you printed.

It might be worth trying PS for this type of process.

I am always willing to learn and will check out the Prusa Slicer.

Those of us who think that know it all simply stop learning.

I have enjoyed my journey here though.

Tried Cura again today and again I got a fail with a red bar indicating that I “Must home axis first”.

Cura’s change filament option was not helpfull.

Took a quick look at the Prusa Slicer recently and it is way different then Cura or Creality in its appearance and function. Was not expecting that. Will have to find time to learn the software at some future date.

I have been using PS a lot lately. my tinkering with the FLsun demonstrated some files slice better in one over the other. I now seem to use both. PS color change is one click silly how simple and automatically it recognizes text. It is worth using for color changes for certain.

So I have spent much of the month printing dual color with repeatable and consistent results. I am only using one slicer this whole time. I was trying to make it work with both Creality and Cura and was having trouble with both where I would have red banner fails at the resume moment after pause. I really think it was the multiple slicers that induced some background software issue in the brain of the Sonic Pad or printer. After I rebooted the printer and sonic pad and only used the Creality Slicer, I have excellent success. This is not a reflection of Cura, just an observation that multiple slicers may affect some aspects of printing. Only using the one slicer and excellent success pausing at height.

The following is my setup in the Creality slicer.

Since I stayed with one slicer I have excellent results but you only have one hour after the start of the pause to get to the machine and change the filament. If you miss the one hour window the print fails.

Interesting side note that I learned during this endeavor. I noticed Cura Slicer has a G29 Auto Bed Level function in its Printer settings and stole it to add to my Creality Slicer printer settings as you can see above. I found that bed leveling every time increased the number of times I have to do a complete manual and auto level to reset the accuracy of the beds level. I added the “;” to turn off the bed level each time and rarely need to level the bed since. Seems that I work less if I do not level each print. The system must creep off of perfect slowly if you level each time. I must have printed 30 times or so since my last leveling and am still going strong. When the printer checked the level each print it seemed to drift away from perfect and required manual and auto level to restore good bed level.

using only one slicer now and no issues with paus at height at all. Also, I found a setting in the Sonic Pad that will change the time you can wait. I can choose from 10 minutes to one day and even never.
Really good way to change filament at specific layers.
Choose the following to find the settings.
“Other settings”
“Pause Timeout Setting”
Not using Creality Slicer but I do not think the slicer is the issue, just using the one slicer is the issue so only use one and see if things get friendlier for you but make sure you completely reboot everything first.

I have been using multiple slicers lately. I think each has things it does well and things it does not. Prusa slicer for what you demo shows would be so much easier. It is completely automatic, it recognized the text and you click the 'apply color…" and it is done. It can be adjusted layer by layer if needed after. PS isn’t always the best option but it certainly does color changes easily.
Screenshot 2023-07-17 at 9.18.21 AM

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I tried to find the extensions menu but I did not find it. I’m using Creality slicer on Linux. does that make a difference? If so how do I add a pause at layer.
I also tried this but it did not do anything different on that layer
How to pause when printing K1 - Creality Flagship Series - Creality Community Forum

My hardware is a Creality Ender 3 and my software is Creality Print on Linux Ubuntu


The printer did pause at requested layer height but nozzle didn’t raise. then i got a bunch of errors in the console (Unknown command:“PAUSE_RESUME]”, Unknown command:“M300” and Unknown command:“M226”). Then the head moved to requested park position, and after changing filament, when i hit the resume button, i had another error (“Printer not homed”) preventing printing to resume. Any idea ?

I primarily use the Creality slicer but for prints that require a filament change Prusa sllicer actually works for this. I still struggle with Creality slicer for pause or color change, I made it work back then but still struggle with it to this day.