My printer (Ender 3V2) may be haunted

Yesterday I was doing a 9HR print and while doing a random check I found the print stopped. This was at the 7 HR mark, possible just to piss me off. The printer was still on, the filament on the tip had fused to the print and had to be broken off and I hit the pause button and turned it back on. It followed the proper routine for that by parking it self and when started again it came back to the model and started to run again at the point that it stopped at except it just ran around the same track over and over without printing. At that point I turned the machine off and turn it on again, then I tried running all the steppers X Z & Z + the extruder manually and they all worked fine. Also the printer would home when properly. This morning I tried a test cube to see if the printer would work and it made a perfect print (Insert head scratching here). After that I started the print that failed a second time and at this point it is still going fine.

I have know idea why it just stopped. Maybe a power blip, but it should have returned to the print on start up and continued.

Any ideas?

Do you have a filament sensor installed?

I would check for wires and connections. It could be that when you get to a certain height extra strain is put on something and it cuts out. Just thinking. I had that with a sidewinder once.

It is printing fine now, I repeated the failed print yesterday and it came OK. I suspect it was some kind of power blip or momentary outage. The strange part is I should have been able to restart the print, it is suppose to be able to do that andI have before but this time it failed.

I do but the filament role was far from empty and it works now.

Sometimes the filament sensor can start to go and will work intermittently which could be causing it to pause mid print even if there is still filament on the spool.

Good to know. Thanks.

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I had a similar issue with my ender 3 once. Finally it shut down a print when I was around. Turned out that the issue was a thermal runaway error. Did some troubleshooting, and found break in the hotend thermistor wire that would disconnect in certain positions. Fixed the connection, and problem solved.