New cura version

For those that use Curs version 5.7.0 is now available.

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I will have to check it out! Any cool new features?

why Cura if there is Orca?) It seems to me that if you print on the same printer using different slicer from the top 3, you won’t be able to see the difference in the slicer. Is it possible that I am wrong?

Sounds like a thing but I found it is not. Each slicer is different and produces different results using basically the same settings. (well Orca and Prusa not withstanding at this point) I expected them to be the same and was shocked went I found fairly sizeable differences.

Why not! How different are they besides the user interface.

Unfortunately, I haven’t used Cura for quite some time and would like to hear from users with more experience than me.
As far as I know, Cura is more friendly to custom add-ons as opposed to more closed slicers.

Cura has come a long way since version 4.x.x