New Machine - initial print issues

Ok, I got this printer last week, set up went fine. I added my grey Monocure resin and printed the included Eiffel Tower well enough (the tiny railing came loose). The included sphere completely released at the support stage so all I had was a round dish with spikes on the plate and a large resin circle on the fep.

I set up one of my own files (chitubox 1.9.0 with firmware update) and it keeps bending/warping/twisting - It’s odd to describe so I’ve included a few pics.

I’ve owned a resin printer before and this is something new for me.

I’ve tried adjusting exposure slightly, orientation and even a bit of talcum between the screen and vat. I have yet to try PTFE lube on the FEP since I don’t have any on hand.

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Let me look this over, and I will post a fix shortly.

Thanks - It might help to add that after posting this I also started a support claim with Crealty and noted that there is some distinct knocking/movement on the Z-axis - it’s inconsistent and does not repeat in the exact time/location every time.

Here’s a vid - Knocking Z-Axis

Im going to PM. you some tips and potential fixes.

First off, I highly recommend you downgrade to the last version of Chitubox. I have been using 1.8 for the longest time, and the second I “Upgraded” It to version 1.9 it has given me nothing but problems. As far as the Knocking Z-Axis, I can see it in the video, Its hard to say if that’s what’s causing it. What are your BASE layers and exposure set at?

That knocking vid was just the gantry moving from using the printers screen tools, not part of any printing. It appears to be the actual metal rail moving, I just don’t know what’s causing that, somewhere it was mentioned to take the printer apart and tighten that, but being a week old machine I’m holding off on Creality’s reply before voiding my warranty.

As for settings, .050 layer, bottom count 4, exposure 2.2sec, bottom exposure 20sec. Lift all at 5mm.

Settings seem fine to me. Could you give us a call at 3D Printing Canada? my extension is 3020