Hi everyone, hope all is well!
I thought I would jump in here and share the progress on one of my new projects. I’m not sure if any of you know the youtube channel Proper Printing, but he recently made a video about 3D Printed lightweight gantries. Is this system the next step in 3D printing? - YouTube
I thought it could be interesting to design a whole printer around this concept. So that’s exactly what I have been doing! I found out that you can print multiple of the segments attached together without supports which I think will be much easier than trying to clamp them all together. Anyways here is a screenshot of the current F360 project:
Still early stages of design, but if I can even get this thing to print I will call it a success
It will be a 220x220 build surface (just using an old ender 3 bed), not sure about what speeds it will be capable of yet. I will have to be careful however, as it will be very light, so I will have to make sure that I make it bottom heavy so that it won’t knock itself over. I have 2 motors dedicated to the bed, and another 2 motors at the bottom for the x and y movement (corexy as of now). I will also keep the power supply and the mainboard at the bottom of the printer, and possibly the 5kg lead brick I have sitting in my basement (not sure about that one yet). I will also definitely need to add some cross bars/ supports to the frame to keep it rigid.
If you have any ideas or suggestions I am all ears, the model is far from finished, I haven’t been able to really model anything for around a year now with school, so it’s nice to finally get back into the swing of things!