Obscure Problem - Bragging Rights if you Guess

So I had this problem crop up. it should be a pure square box, 1 perimeter. I figured it out finally. Any guesses for bragging rights?

was it rotated wrong in the slicer?

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Nope. I checked retraction, linear advance, acceleration, loose belts, extrusion multiplier, steps. None of those things…

what printer is this done on

because if you’re running a direct drive potentially one of the cables is got a small short it from moving so much that when it gets there the extruder is barely turning or moving back and forward till it gets to where the cable doesn’t have the short I’ve seen things like this happen with that that’s why I always recommend where the stepper motor plugs in put some hot gun glue around the plug area so they don’t move and bend and cause shorts

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Nice, I thought of that too, wasn’t it. The silicone boot was hanging down on the Y=0 side only, so when it came into contact with the print it was pulling the filament out of position, making it even worse for the next layer. It didn’t affect the X runs, because it didn’t contact, and the other Y side, the boot ran ahead of the print, and didn’t affect the new level.


no shit eh dammmmmmm never would have thought that

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Yeah, I got lucky, just watching it print, then saw it rub and drag the fresh print layer.