Theres always the standards like use a glue stick and you can use water to help loosen it (never tried but glue is water soluable so i think thats how people release it)
I use aquanet hairspray as its unscented (less additives) and havent had the too hard to remove issue though i print on glass so the contraction during cooling usually does it for me.
You could always go to a removable magnetic build plate. My prusa has it and its wicked awesome. They use spring steel with a special finish on it for adhesion.
I recently got a cr10s pro, and installed a spring steel sheet, i still need to do more work to determine how effective it is for part removal though.
What filaments are you useing? And am i to assume your useing the stock aluminum and buildtak plate?
Thing i dont like when considering flexable beds is when they use fridge magents and build tak sheets instead of spring steel, though that may just be a me thing.
I’ve used that iso/water spray method lots with PLA on a clean glass bed. It works really well.
I started using magigoo for PETG though and haven’t had anything become fused to the bed.