This only happens once in a while.
What would cause it?
What can I do to help correct this in the middle (about 3 hrs into) of print.?
could be slicer settings or it could be under extruded. you say it only happens occasionally, do you mean on the same file?
I would guess under extrusion as well too. I had similar stuff happening to me recently, only on the longer runs, the stuff closer to corners was ok. In my case it was a partial clog that seemed to be causing issues mostly on the long runs or the occasional random blob.
I think it was a combination of both.
I have to start writing things down of videoing what I Do. As usual I forgot what all I did
Before that print I watched
Made those adjustments, and 1 other extra not realizing I also changed the Initial Layer
Height also. I put it back and ended up adjusting the bed and it’s been good since.
Still No idea how either of those would have an affect at that height!?!?!?
I probably changed something else and forgot about it!!!
I know it happened on that file before (It also had a shift problem)
I don’t remember what the other print was, but it did cover a large area like
I did boost the nozzle temp to 220 hoping it would Iron It Out lol
In the end it did smooth out fairly well.
Finished it out at 220. Didn’t want to take a chance on it having a funny looking layer!!!