In the ad copy for PETG+ on the 3DPrinting website, here is a claim: "The higher melt flow of PETG+ permits higher speed 3D printing, similar to that of PLA. "
Now I am using a Creality K1 MAX printer, and with regular PETG, it is running approx ⅓ the speed of PLA. So it would be amazing if this claim were actually true. Has anyone attempted to print PETG+ at the crazy speed of PLA?
Not sure Creality would call it standard… they have a sticker on the K1 series for recommended settings for various materials but I’ve never used them…
Yes, that is correct. And it mostly does work. I have not tried raising the hot end temp, may be a good idea. I have turned off the model fan, however, due to issues with first layers not adhering properly. That fixed the problem. I should add that this was needed for a texture surface, not the smooth surface.