So I had hell of issues with my Phrozen sonic mini 4k and even worst the 3DRS Fast +. The combo of the resin with printer made issue with printer worst. So if your in my shoe here some the thing that help me. 1 level the bed of the phrozen sonic mini 4k with 3 piece of paper high. That a big key 2 perfect support, 3 all post the spect . Me and alot of people and including the Phrozen team come up with numbers that truely work. Wasted full 1kg trying to get this stuff to work but after a month and stress got it. Hope this post help other . PS still learning support check out Lychee omg pro worth the cash 200%
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awsome post, thank you so much for the information.
Np it can go up to 6s exposure time between 30s to 60s for the other one