Practical 3D prints

We all like to print “fun stuff”, but sometimes, your 3D printer gets used for something more practical.
Last Black Friday, I purchased a small, $10 wireless access point from BangGood. I needed it as a range extender for our deck and backyard during the summer.
I knew it was 220V with an adapter. I didn’t realize how far the router would be from the wall when plugged in, though. It would never stay plugged in.
I guess I could lay it on the counter with an extension cord, or put a shoe box under it :slightly_smiling_face:
Anyway, I created a bracket that holds the weight, and is secured to the plug with the screw for the wall plate.
I ended up with something that’s half decent looking, and we have a great wireless signal all the way to the edges of our lot. :+1:t2:


I fixed my barber’s gumball machine and got a free haircut.


Very cool! :+1:t2:

This might interest you. When I saw your picture, it reminded me of this.

This guy is fixing an old punch clock. It’s fascinating to watch how he designs and then perfects it.

(They wanted 100 dollars. I 3D printed it for 9 cents. - YouTube)

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Most of the items I print are of a practical nature (household items, repair parts etrc.). I have already saved enough money printing instead of buying to more then pay for the printer itself.


I would have to say my focus on 3D printing has always been problem-solving, Not just the printers but problems around the house, Making stuff better, Fixing old appliances or doing the undoable. :slight_smile:


Absolutely! The drain fitting on the humidifier on the furnace crumbled a few years ago. My wife called the installers before she told me. They said it’s no longer made, have to buy a new humidifier.

Easily made one, and it’s been there for three years now.

And the best part of all this? If they break, we just print another one. Simple.