Printers not extruding

My ender 3 neo is not pushing the filament into the nozzel when printing (I have cleaned the nozzel)it also works when changeing filament any sugestions

What filament are you using? PLA , PETG or ABS? Try to increase your hotend temp to 5-10C up to the max temp required for your filament.

Have you tried to check your extruder? Maybe you need to clean it or adjust the extruder gears.

:grinning:thanks ill try that

did not work

could it be heat creep? Check the cooling fans are working and at a reasonable speed.

If that doesn’t work change the nozzle it looks crusty, they are consumable items. and when it is apart check the heat break is clear. I really like the cleaning rods for that. Check the liner if it has one and clean and adjust the extruder gears.

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I agree with @kitedemon. Brass nozzle usually last around 1-3months if used almost every day depending on the filament(PLA, PETG, ABS, etc.).

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