Problems with Z offset

SO yesterday suddenly the auto home position was 25cm high off the bed. I have tried to reset and it keeps going in the wrong direction that is getting worse and before you ask I recorded the off set from the control Z movement and it was -027.8. I moved the setting to match and saved the setting . I hit the auto home again and it moved to 053.3. It also goes into a stopped mode on the screen and the z movement is locked. Anyone know what may be wrong

Have you changed anything prior to this issue? Such as firmware update?

Also what printer are you useing? And are you requesting auto home through the printer interface or through something like pronterface?

Should have read this was the cr-20 subpage XD

yes cr20 and no i just turned on the unit went to print a hook and 1 hour late found a pile of filament. restarted and it was off the bed by 2 inches so have attempted to reset the z and had no luck Auto home through printer interface