Ravenous miniatures

Hey every one! I’m James I’ve recently opened a 3d printing online store ravenousminiatures.com mainly useing monocure3d resin.

I dont personally design anything, I sell miniature models and other game related pieces from Various patreons and kickstarters.

This was printed in Monocure3d rapid red and 10%phrozrn 4k aquagrey and printed on a SM4K.

Model from RN Estudio


HI James

Welcome to the Forum, Post some pics of your designs and prints.


I tried to, but I am either doing it wrong or I just can’t.

Hello Ravenous,

Hit your 7th icon, looks like Game console with Up arrow coming out of it “UPLOAD”
Choose: from my Device (works better)


This is the pit from pit fight blood on the sands kickstarter by 3dprintingpro.


Ok just can put 1 photo per post.

Corpse collector by Printyourmonsters painted by me.


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Ravenous, As you rise from Tier1 Patron to this forum page to a Tier2 it will make it max. 3 per post

When you rise to a Tier3, you get “unlimited” (100)

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@RAVENOUSMINIATURES those prints look amazing, thanks for sharing

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Is this the painted result from the orange printout ?
If so then WOW!
What process do you use to paint your print outs ?

Thank you.

Yeah that is the painted version of that print out.

So to paint my prints I use premier rattle can primer from canadian tire.

I use army painter paints and for this one I used mutant hue and rotting flesh for the base coat,
useing the mutant hue for shadowed areas then rotting flesh for lighted areas,
then went over everything with a glaze of the two to blend it all in,

For the metal I use metallic paints rough iron and copper with some steel for highlights.

After that I matte varnished it and added glistening Blood.

This was all done with Brush no airbrushing was used cause I don’t own one lol.

There might of been acouple other steps but I don’t personally keep track of what I do I just paint till I’m happy.

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Thank you

I try my best to put out quality prints.

Thanks for the info.
I’ll have to give this a try…
Very cool…