Recent art pieces

I use Full Control Gcode to design/slice (It’s an all in one). Here’s a couple of my prints. Silk PLA on Ender3.


Nice job! I really like the last one.

Thanks. Fun to make.

Wow. Impressive.
DId you say you design it by writting gcode? Using heavy lifting math?

FullControlGcode is a program written in Excel VBA by Andy Gleadall in the UK. There are a couple of different versions on Github.

I do play a lot with the math, changing the equations in the post processing features etc. but it’s not necessary. The program “slices” itself into Gcode and then I paste into Repetier Host where I can cut and paste or modify if wanted. The attached pic is actually a cross section of part of a vase I designed. I cut out the Gcode of what I didn’t want after I changed all Zvalues to 0.2.

It is also possible to build from scratch if wanted. All parameters can be written how you like (variable extrusion etc.).

I don’t have any socials but I am Flashlightpic5-3218 on the Full Control Reddit.

Thomas’ video, in case anyone is interested.

Cool. I’ll have a look at some point.

Hi @andr3w, Sarah here from 3D Printing Canada. Amazing print😍 would you mind if we share your art work on our social media platform?

No Problem. I have a lot of pics if you want more.

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Awesome! Do you have Facebook or Instagram account? We’d love to tag you.