Replacing 4.2.2 board with 4.2.7 question about firmware options

If you go to the video (BV3D) near the start of this thread he explains how to get the files you need. The screen files are not obvious as to were they are hidden.

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I have been away from this again for a bit… but now I have the touch screen. I just installed it using the creality firmware and it started up but… the language is set to Chinese and when I go into the menu that is supposed to have the language settings… it doesn’t have that option. It ends with what appears to be the temperature settings. Any ideas why this would be - I googled and everything pointed to there being a menu item that lets you change the language settings…

I am going to try the jyers firmware but noticed that it’s kind of getting out of date a bit. The newest release is from Nov 2021 and assuming that Jyer’s versioning is mirroring the marlin versioning it’s behind a bit (2.0.1 vs 2.1.1). Not sure if I will miss out on anything as a result…

So at this point my setup is:
Ender 3 V1
4.2.7 board
BL Touch
Creality touch screen

And the screen doesn’t stay blank with Jyers now but it doesn’t go past the loading screen and the progress bar doesn’t show any progress at all despite letting it sit for at least 30 seconds - maybe a minute.

I was using E3V2-BLTouch-3x3-v4.2.7-v2.0.1.bin.

So Jyers won’t load - presumably there is some fundamental difference between the V2 and V1 even with the 4.2.7 board and touch screen… and the creality file doesn’t seem to have language settings and is stuck in Chinese.

For the creality file I was using Ender3 ProMarlin2.0.6.2BLTouchHW4.2.7.bin

[EDIT] I just discovered that this touch screen isn’t open source. Bit of a face palm moment for me with that. I should have looked more closely. I also skipped a step with the creality firmware that I thought was optional but maybe the language issue will be resolved with that.

[ANOTHER EDIT] I tried not skipping the screen firmware step but it didn’t make a difference. It is still in chinese and I can’t see a way to change that. The screen firmware didn’t seem to make a difference. I am also finding that it behaves strangely though maybe if I could read what I am clicking it might make more sense. When I click what should be the ‘prepare’ main menu option, it flashes to the submenu for a moment then goes back to the home screen. If I go to another option from the main menu and hit what I think is back in the top right, it eventually gets back to the prepare menu and I can see that there is no ‘language’ submenu there.

The only important differences between the v1 and the v2 is the motherboard and the display, the power supply and the physical differences between the machines doesn’t matter. Putting a 4.2.2 or 4.2.7 into your v1 and a V2 display will effectively make it an 3V2 printer. That firmware should work fine with the 4.2.7 MB BUT it may not/probably not be compatible with a touch screen.

They seem to have quit updating it (still good though) BUT there is a newer improved firmware similar to the jyers that is a free download. Look through the BV3D You Tube site for it (link below) he has an explanation on its features and were to get it.

Thanks - I will check this out but it sounds like I am out of luck with this touch screen and any 3rd party compiles of the firmware since it turns out it is not open source.

I may just send it back if I can, I assume I can use the non-touch v2 screen on my v1? My goal was to get a more flexible screen that I can use something like Jyers firmware with and frankly to have something that is a bit less annoying. It may seem a bit picky but I really don’t care for how the old screen functions - the clicking of the button is clunky and the beep is really annoying.

My assumption is that the v2 would give me that firmware flexibility and maybe a better user experience though I am not sure on that and would be open to hearing others experiences with it compared to the v1 screen.

Jyers is a lot better then the stock firmware, unless it has been greatly improved and the other firmware is suppose to be better still. They simplify a lot of the tasks that normally have to be done through gcodes etc. As far as the screen compatibility, I have not done it but as long as the connectors are the same it should be OK. Maybe someone else here has had some experience with it. If no one reply’s then start a new thread on whether or not the ender 3v2 screen is compatible with the stock ender 3. You can try and contact Creality and ask them also.

Have you tried this website?

No I haven’t tried the marlin builder site. The problem is that the Creality touch screen isn’t open source. Which means I can only use firmware created by Creality. Unfortunately this won’t work for it.

I have a regular v2 screen now and Jyers loaded right out of the gate! Huzzah!

I have also tried mriscoc’s firmware though currently I am having an issue with the probe not extending when I home. It extends when the printer turns on so it’s not broken or anything but when I try homing it doesn’t extend so not surprisingly the nozzle hits the bed. Just trying to sort that out.

It seems like the cable is a bit loose so I think it wasn’t sitting quite right.

[ANOTHER UPDATE] It’s printing like a dream and I don’t even really have the BLTouch working yet. The mriscoc firmware seems so much better than the Creality firmware.

Did you upgrade the screen firmware???

I did. I haven’t printed anything other than some calibration type prints but so far so good!

I am hoping to print something “real” soon!

I’m feeling very optimistic and I hope chronicling my journey here might help someone else in the future!

Haha… I spoke to soon. For some reason the print is stopping without error before it’s actually done - I tried an xyz calibration cube and it’s not printing the top. I thought at first it was because I forgot to add infill and that the top of the cube was just not printing well but even after adding them, the top layers just don’t print. I can see the z in the cube but I can also see all the infill supports.

Everything was going so well otherwise!

[EDIT] Everything seems good again - I am not 100% sure what was going on with that cube the first couple times I printed but now it’s fine.

This firmware is a HUGE improvement over creality firmware.

Sometimes if is a slicer problem.