I found an interesting article regarding sd cards. Its not exactly 3d printing news, but we do use them in 3d printing.
Personally, I hate these things. Especially the micro SD card. I suppose it’s a good thing for phones, or an application where you put it in and leave it in for an extended period, but for frequent use as with 3D printing or Raspberry PIs, not being able to label them is infuriating.
2X my world runs on SD and QXD. I dislike the SD the first time I was in a rush juggling too many things and bent one. I so prefer QXD faster and bigger easier to handle. Sadly costly too.
Sd is so bloody complex. Sd, Sdhc, sdxc, assd, tsdio, sdio, TF and TfC. Its bonkers.
Although out of curiosity has anyone tried a ISDIO card in a printer? I don’t have any. They are the wifi SD cards.
I’ve converted most of my PIs (the ones running OctoPrint anyway) to NetBoot at this point to get away from SD cards in them. Wasn’t fun to set it all up, but seems to work well.
Wow, that’s crazy. I feel really old!
I remember purchasing a SD card for mu Palm Pilot so I can put a 30min show on it to watch on the train to school. Think it cost almost 80bucks, for 1gb!
My first computer was the size of a suitcase and boasted a whopping 4k of memory. External memory could be acquired with a special cassette player that ran at a baud rate of 1.
I also agree that SD/micro SD are too fragile for the constant in and out I find myself doing.
Maybe there is a wifi or Bluetooth dongle out there we could just leave in place?
I’m off to yell at clouds now…
I think they use things like octoprint for that. Also you can use something called pronterface and print directly form a USB connected PC.
Now I have more than one printer it seems like, it’s getting to be a problem running around with SD cards, I see they are able to use Octoprint on phones now so that might work for me since I have a stack of old phones here that would probably run it.
Yelling at clouds isn’t really that much of a problem; People will only think you’re crazy. It’s when you also tell them you’ve invested in 3D printing that they’ll know it.